Accidents happen in the office, not as frequent compared to the shop floor maybe but when it does, it is just as serious. Tripping, slipping, and falling ranks second to automobile accidents nationwide. Well okay it did not all happen in the office. Accidents of this nature happening in the office are a big part of incidences though. The good part is that most of these are prevented from happening with a few simple tools and reminders.
Jobs | Views:422 | Author:Anna | Added by:Anton | Date:28.03.2011
Ideally, promoting safety is also promoting harmony in the workplace where everyone is involved and shares mutual concerns. Unfortunately, workplaces are a conglomeration of all people coming from different backgrounds and different work ethics and work orientations. There will always be people who are easy to work with and there will always be people who are not. Actions and the way people react to them promote also incidents that are not safe, are stressful and unproductive.
As the purpose of workplace safety is to promote productivity, the following are contributors that promote unhealthy worker interaction and negate safety intentions that are vital if the company is to remain competitive. Identifying them is an important step to enhance safety measures installed and augment continuing efforts at improving interaction that promotes profitability.
Jobs | Views:414 | Author:Anna | Added by:Anton | Date:28.03.2011
Workplace safety and good work environment is the right of every worker. In fact, it is a law. To this end, workplace safety is a very big concern for companies and spends huge resources for its research, training, implementation, and maintenance.
One of the top concerns for promoting workplace safety is the loss of productivity. When workplace safety measures are effectively implemented, it improves company profitability, promotes brand equity, and creates savings in terms of bottom line expenses for compensation, health, and insurance benefits aside from expenses on probable litigation.
Jobs | Views:391 | Author:Anna | Added by:Anton | Date:28.03.2011